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This type of processing requires less effort and allows us to react to persuasive messages automatically. A video of some great commercials that give powerful peripheral cues that demonstrate that part of persuasion in social psychology. According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, there are two main routes that play a role in delivering a persuasive message: central and peripheral ([link]). Persuasion can take one of two paths, and the durability of the end result depends on the path.

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(e.g., Web pages), central and peripheral processing routes may act together. Communication and persuasion: Central and peripheral routes to attitude change . New York: Springer-Verlag. Petty, R. E., & Cacioppo, J. T. (1981). Attitudes and  Persuasion: The Central Route and Peripheral Route Persuasion is a topic in social psychology. People may be persuaded in different ways.

The central route is engaged when  Sep 16, 2011 Petty and Cacioppo 1980). A second group of theoretical approaches to persuasion emphasizes a more peripheral route to attitude change. Jun 30, 2018 The Peripheral Route: where an individual is influenced by some simple cue or feature of the context of persuasion, without giving the  Dec 7, 2016 The central processing route is activated when high cognitive involvement is required in a purchase, where methods explaining specifics will be  A second group of theoretical approaches to persuasion emphasizes a more peripheral route to attitude change.

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The peripheral route to persuasion is largely the opposite of the central route. This cognitive processing route involves low expenditure of  Nov 15, 2016 The peripheral route to persuasion is a type of processing that involves superficial cues, such as physical looks or expertise, and low elaboration (  Assumption 1: There are two routes of thinking that a person may employ. One route is called the “Central Route ” and the other is called the “Peripheral Route. nent (or central) to the merits of a topic.

Kap 7 - Persuasion: Attitude and Judgement Flashcards Quizlet

Peripheral route persuasion

nent (or central) to the merits of a topic. The second strategy, called the peripheral route to persuasion, involves less cognitive effort and occurs when a person  Communication and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes to Attitude Change (Springer Series in Social Psychology): 9781461293781: Medicine & Health  Narrative transportation could involve a more central (more thoughtful and effortful) route to persuasion, since it produces the kind of lasting attitude change   Mar 12, 2014 experimental methodology in an attempt to discover the connection between persuasive peripheral imagery cues and the willingness of an  Apr 29, 2014 The peripheral route to persuasion is directed at uninvolved consumers because it is more effective to attract the customer through peripheral  Get this from a library!

According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, there are two main routes that play a role in delivering a persuasive message: central and peripheral ([link]). Persuasion can take one of two paths, and the durability of the end result depends on the path. On the other hand, under the peripheral route, persuasion results from a person's association with positive or negative cues in the stimulus or making a simple inference about the merits of the advocated position. The cues received by the individual under the peripheral route are generally unrelated to the logical quality of the stimulus. 2014-04-29 · The peripheral route to persuasion is directed at uninvolved consumers because it is more effective to attract the customer through peripheral advertising cues such as the specific attractive model in the advertisement or the setting of the advertisement.
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In the case of central persuasion, you present facts, specifications and statistics. Not everyone may be interested and people may even get bored.

Three aspects of messages that foster peripheral influence are message order, format, distraction. Describe these three aspects and explain how these aspects affect communications. (80 Words) 2. Two routes to influence are central route to persuasion and peripheral route to persuasion.
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Communication and Persuasion - Richard E Petty, John T

The cues received by the individual under the peripheral route are generally unrelated to the logical quality of the stimulus. The peripheral route to persuasion involves the use of mental shortcuts such as a belief that ‘experts statement can be trusted’, or the idea that, if it makes me feel good, I am in favor of it. This type of processing requires less effort and allows us to react to persuasive messages automatically. The central processing route is activated when high cognitive involvement is required in a purchase, where methods explaining specifics will be most effective, whereas peripheral processing is more emotion based where clever use of cues can be used in order to help persuade a person to buy a product.